Environmental/Contamination Investigation


It is relatively common to have underground petroleum tanks on industrial or light industrial sites, due to historical business activities (such as a service station that changes business to a restaurant). When a property changes hands, is redeveloped or tanks reach ‘end of life’ it is often the first time they might be noticed or considered,

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Construction Environmental Management for service station, Mid-north Coast, NSW

iEnvi was engaged by a development construction company to prepare a construction environmental management plan (CEMP) for a service station development in the Mid-north Coast of NSW. The development could not proceed without approval from the local Council, which required a CEMP to be prepared. iEnvi were able to complete a CEMP for the development

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iEnvi was engaged as a lead technical expert to forensically review the derivation of illegal dumped waste as part of a larger Land and Environment Court case at the request of one of the legal parties. iEnvi inspected and reviewed the waste material, historical aerial photographs, and reviewed branding and other information on the metal

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‘Slug tests’ are are commonly used as part of a risk assessment to help us determine groundwater contaminant flows. In this case groundwater and dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon horizontal flow velocity and contaminant transport risk offsite from a facility to the north of Sydney. Our graduate Jessica showed her handy skills by putting together this beautifully

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ALGA Australasian_Land_and_Groundwater_Association

  Many thanks to ALGA (Australian Land and Water Group and Michal) for providing the recent seminar on using Willowstick for high resolution groundwater flow modelling, presented by the good folks at Hydroterra. As a former geophysicist (humping back packs of gear across mine sites and glacial flows alike) I enjoyed both the summary on geophysical

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iEnvi was engaged by a client to complete an acid sulfate soil management plan (ASSMP) of a residential property in Sydney, NSW. The client proposed the development of a granny flat at the rear of the existing residential property and required an ASSMP to satisfy the conditions of a development application. A desktop review was

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  When is a Soil Stockpile ‘Waste’, and Can a Hotspot of Asbestos or ACM in a Stockpile be Removed and the Soil be reclassified? Generally as consultants we have had a slight confusion on the strict regulation and guidelines information, and information received by NSW EPA in seminars, advice etc, on when contaminated soil

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  iEnvi was engaged by a private client to complete a Preliminary Site and Further Delineation Investigation (PSI and FDI) for a Section 53V Audit of a residential property to provide additional site information that would address data gaps identified by an Auditor in a previous contamination assessment for the site which would assist in

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auto recycling environmental site investigation

iEnvi was engaged by an automotive recycling company to undertake a preliminary site investigation at a recycling facility in Melbourne, Victoria. The company wished to refinance the site and require an assessment of the level of environmental and human health risk associated with the automotive recycling processes and chemicals at the site. iEnvi completed historical

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UPSS abandonment anddecommissioning underground fuel tank QLD

iEnvi was engaged by a local restaurant owner to manage the decommissioning and abandonment of three underground storage tanks (USTs) at a restaurant in Hervey Bay, QLD. The site is currently on the QLD Environmental Management Register (EMR) for historical use of the site as a commercial service station. The client wished to have the

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