soil contamination

Effective Soil Remediation Techniques Effective soil and groundwater remediation strategies are essential for safeguarding human health and the environment, especially in regions impacted by industrial pollution. Discover the secrets to restoring our planet’s soil and water—before it’s too late! In Situ Remediation Technologies In situ remediation involves treating the contaminated soil without removing it from

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Discover the essential practices for managing waste, soil, and water to comply with regulations and support environmental sustainability. Unlock the secrets to eco-friendly compliance: transform waste and water management with cutting-edge solutions! Dive into our latest insights on innovative recycling techniques and advanced treatment processes, paving the way for environmental stewardship. Learn how to navigate

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iEnvi Consultant at PFAS site

Understanding site contamination in environmental management necessitates a comprehensive strategy. Unlock the secrets to battling site contamination with Conceptual Site Models (CSMs)—your ultimate guide in the environmental management toolkit! This revised introduction combines an NLP-friendly opening with an engaging hook designed to captivate YouTube viewers, encouraging them to pause their current viewing and delve into

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Innovative solutions and strategies for managing soil and water contamination are explored by iEnvironmental Australia, addressing a critical issue in environmental conservation and rehabilitation. Discover how cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the fight against soil and water contamination, offering hope for a cleaner, healthier planet. Cutting-Edge Technologies for Soil and Water Remediation Advancements in technology have

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Rail Station Excavation

You see lots of building developments going up, and large construction sites. When developers clear the site and make the soil level or dig holes for footings or basement carparks – where does all that soil go? Generally, the soil is treated as waste in order to get it offsite quickly.  Sometimes it has historical

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Targeted Soil Assessment coastal residential development

iEnvi was engaged by the client to complete a Targeted Soil Assessment relating the footprint of a shed previously located onsite. This was required by the council to assess the suitability of the site for the proposed residential development. The shed site covered an area of land during previous soil investigation and the underlying soil

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iEnvi was engaged as a lead technical expert to forensically review the derivation of illegal dumped waste as part of a larger Land and Environment Court case at the request of one of the legal parties. iEnvi inspected and reviewed the waste material, historical aerial photographs, and reviewed branding and other information on the metal

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  When is a Soil Stockpile ‘Waste’, and Can a Hotspot of Asbestos or ACM in a Stockpile be Removed and the Soil be reclassified? Generally as consultants we have had a slight confusion on the strict regulation and guidelines information, and information received by NSW EPA in seminars, advice etc, on when contaminated soil

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blank environmental samples

Blanks are artificial samples (made up of ultra-pure MilliQ water) used to trace sources of contamination which may be introduced to samples: During handling and transportation; During sampling in the field (from contaminated equipment); and During laboratory preparation and analysis. Based on the potential contamination sources listed above, there are various blanks used to identify

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hydrogeology water contamination

iEnvi was engaged by a Council north of Brisbane, QLD, to review environmental authority (EA) compliance, groundwater trends and risks at five landfill sites. A comprehensive data compilation and transformation was undertaken, along with a data quality review. Statistical analysis of the data was completed including the basic statistics (average, minimum, maximum, 80th and 120th

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