Environmental Consultant at site

iEnvironmental Australia’s growth in the market means that we’re looking at expanding our network of sub-consultants (independent contractors), with a goal of reaching 100 sub-consultants by the end of 2022. During the four years as a company (and eight years since iEnvironmental Australia was first formed) we have seen growth, coupled with disruptions, both globally

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Rail Station Excavation

You see lots of building developments going up, and large construction sites. When developers clear the site and make the soil level or dig holes for footings or basement carparks – where does all that soil go? Generally, the soil is treated as waste in order to get it offsite quickly.  Sometimes it has historical

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State Government grants to adopt digital technology

  Congratulations to our head office team on being awarded a Queensland Government Small Business Digital Grant by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training. While our Environmental Scientists have been busy at your site, our head office has been focussed on getting the word out and improving our efficiency through digital technologies as

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environmental home office boss

  iEnvironmental Australia (iEnvi) is Open for Business in the office and the field, as we carefully follow the Commonwealth Department of Health adviceand relevant State guidance on COVID-19. We hope our clients and contractors are staying safe, as we also highly value our team’s safety. Like everyone, we are adjusting to keep everyone safe during

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UPSS abandonment anddecommissioning underground fuel tank QLD

iEnvi was engaged by a local restaurant owner to manage the decommissioning and abandonment of three underground storage tanks (USTs) at a restaurant in Hervey Bay, QLD. The site is currently on the QLD Environmental Management Register (EMR) for historical use of the site as a commercial service station. The client wished to have the

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iEnvi were engaged by an engineering firm on behalf of a regional council to undertake a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and components of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the construction of a sports complex. The CEMP was required for development approval of the site.  The construction processes included clearing of existing vegetation, major

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environmental assessment merger acquisition

  iEnvi was engaged by a law firm on behalf of a confidential client as part of merger and acquisition due diligence to undertake preliminary site investigations (PSIs) at three metal fabrication facilities in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia for the purpose of environmental due diligence.  The client wished to purchase the sites

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hydrogeology water contamination

iEnvi was engaged by a Council north of Brisbane, QLD, to review environmental authority (EA) compliance, groundwater trends and risks at five landfill sites. A comprehensive data compilation and transformation was undertaken, along with a data quality review. Statistical analysis of the data was completed including the basic statistics (average, minimum, maximum, 80th and 120th

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targeted soil investigation nbn

iEnvi was engaged by a large construction company to conduct Targeted Soil Investigations and Insitu Waste Classifications (TSI/WC) in advance of trenching to install NBN infrastructure, for a portion of recreational properties across Brisbane known to be historical landfill and contaminated sites. The purpose of the TSI/WC was to investigate soil that was to be

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lead contamination

iEnvi was engaged to conduct a Targeted Soil Investigation (TSI) to delineate historical lead from a former rifle range, for a portion of a recreational property proposed to be developed into a sports field development for a local government north of Brisbane. The purpose of the TSI was to delineate the extent of lead contamination

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