Groundwater & Water

cleanout access

Project Overview: iEnvironmental Australia (iEnvi) conducted a Delineation Investigation (DI) at anindustrial site located in the northwest of Sydney, following a request from the NSW EPA based on the findings of potential risk in a baseline environmental investigation. The site, involved in aerosol and paint manufacturing, required a thorough assessment to determine contamination levels and

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industrial site land

The Victorian EPA requested an investigation at an industrial site in Coolaroo to meet General Environmental Duty requirements. iEnvironmental Australia (iEnvi) conducted the investigation, identifying low risk overall but finding bonded asbestos in recently excavated soil stockpiles and elevated levels of dissolved metals in groundwater. Investigation and Findings: iEnvi installed three groundwater monitoring wells and

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Effective Soil Remediation Techniques Effective soil and groundwater remediation strategies are essential for safeguarding human health and the environment, especially in regions impacted by industrial pollution. Discover the secrets to restoring our planet’s soil and water—before it’s too late! In Situ Remediation Technologies In situ remediation involves treating the contaminated soil without removing it from

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Discover the essential practices for managing waste, soil, and water to comply with regulations and support environmental sustainability. Unlock the secrets to eco-friendly compliance: transform waste and water management with cutting-edge solutions! Dive into our latest insights on innovative recycling techniques and advanced treatment processes, paving the way for environmental stewardship. Learn how to navigate

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iEnvi Consultant at PFAS site

Understanding site contamination in environmental management necessitates a comprehensive strategy. Unlock the secrets to battling site contamination with Conceptual Site Models (CSMs)—your ultimate guide in the environmental management toolkit! This revised introduction combines an NLP-friendly opening with an engaging hook designed to captivate YouTube viewers, encouraging them to pause their current viewing and delve into

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Innovative solutions and strategies for managing soil and water contamination are explored by iEnvironmental Australia, addressing a critical issue in environmental conservation and rehabilitation. Discover how cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the fight against soil and water contamination, offering hope for a cleaner, healthier planet. Cutting-Edge Technologies for Soil and Water Remediation Advancements in technology have

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A growing area of Environmental contamination is PFAS contamination. PFAS are per and poly fluoro alkyl substances, a group of manufactured chemicals that have been used since the 1950s in a range of common household products and specialty applications, including in the manufacture of nonstick cookware; fabric, furniture and carpet stain protection applications; food packaging;

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iEnvi previously prepared a long term environmental management plan (LTEMP) for a coatings manufacturing facility after a detailed site investigation (DSI), remediation and validation of soil groundwater were completed, to set out the principles for long term environmental management of residual solvent hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater and soil at the site. The LTEMP was also a

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‘Slug tests’ are are commonly used as part of a risk assessment to help us determine groundwater contaminant flows. In this case groundwater and dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon horizontal flow velocity and contaminant transport risk offsite from a facility to the north of Sydney. Our graduate Jessica showed her handy skills by putting together this beautifully

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auto recycling environmental site investigation

iEnvi was engaged by an automotive recycling company to undertake a preliminary site investigation at a recycling facility in Melbourne, Victoria. The company wished to refinance the site and require an assessment of the level of environmental and human health risk associated with the automotive recycling processes and chemicals at the site. iEnvi completed historical

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