Environmental Consultant at site

iEnvironmental Australia’s growth in the market means that we’re looking at expanding our network of sub-consultants (independent contractors), with a goal of reaching 100 sub-consultants by the end of 2022. During the four years as a company (and eight years since iEnvironmental Australia was first formed) we have seen growth, coupled with disruptions, both globally

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Rail Station Excavation

You see lots of building developments going up, and large construction sites. When developers clear the site and make the soil level or dig holes for footings or basement carparks – where does all that soil go? Generally, the soil is treated as waste in order to get it offsite quickly.  Sometimes it has historical

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Jenolan Caves

iEnvironmental Australia (iEnvi) was engaged by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to provide waste classification and beneficial reuse assessment near the Jenolan Caves in the Blue Mountains.   The Problem: Construction works on the Jenolan Caves Road project involved excavation of soil and bedrock. Some of that material had been impacted by anthropogenic activities, and all

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Targeted Soil Assessment coastal residential development

iEnvi was engaged by the client to complete a Targeted Soil Assessment relating the footprint of a shed previously located onsite. This was required by the council to assess the suitability of the site for the proposed residential development. The shed site covered an area of land during previous soil investigation and the underlying soil

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Construction Environmental Management for service station, Mid-north Coast, NSW

iEnvi was engaged by a development construction company to prepare a construction environmental management plan (CEMP) for a service station development in the Mid-north Coast of NSW. The development could not proceed without approval from the local Council, which required a CEMP to be prepared. iEnvi were able to complete a CEMP for the development

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iEnvi was engaged as a lead technical expert to forensically review the derivation of illegal dumped waste as part of a larger Land and Environment Court case at the request of one of the legal parties. iEnvi inspected and reviewed the waste material, historical aerial photographs, and reviewed branding and other information on the metal

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iEnvi previously prepared a long term environmental management plan (LTEMP) for a coatings manufacturing facility after a detailed site investigation (DSI), remediation and validation of soil groundwater were completed, to set out the principles for long term environmental management of residual solvent hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater and soil at the site. The LTEMP was also a

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Operational Environmental Management Plan for DA of Panel Beaters Workshop, Sydney NSW iEnvironmental Australia

iEnvi was engaged by a panel beating company to complete an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) to meet the requirement conditions of a development approval for a site they were planning to occupy in Innerwest Sydney.A desktop review was undertaken and assessed against environmental regulations. Potentially contaminating activities associated with assembling, repairing, renovating, finishing, cleaning,

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‘Slug tests’ are are commonly used as part of a risk assessment to help us determine groundwater contaminant flows. In this case groundwater and dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon horizontal flow velocity and contaminant transport risk offsite from a facility to the north of Sydney. Our graduate Jessica showed her handy skills by putting together this beautifully

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iEnvi was engaged by a client to complete an acid sulfate soil management plan (ASSMP) of a residential property in Sydney, NSW. The client proposed the development of a granny flat at the rear of the existing residential property and required an ASSMP to satisfy the conditions of a development application. A desktop review was

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