Lease Renewal of Petrol Station: Baseline Environmental Investigation, Granville NSW

iEnvi were engaged by a petroleum distribution client to complete a lease baseline investigation for the lease renewal for a property and continued operation as a petrol station, including compliance with the Protection of the Environment Operations (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulation 2014.


The primary objective of the lease baseline investigation was to inspect the lateral extent and pre-existent concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons including other petroleum-related contaminants arising from historical and current underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) to determine ongoing associated trends and risks to onsite and offsite potential receptors.


As part of this investigation, two bores were drilled to collect soil samples and install two additional groundwater
monitoring wells to the existing monitoring well network. Groundwater was sampled by low flow method. In addition, two soil vapour pins were installed to assess onsite workers vapour exposure risk. 


Soil, groundwater and soil vapour results indicate the extent of contamination associated with the onsite UPSS and historical site use associated presents a low risk to onsite and offsite potential receptors.


groundwater upss petrol station well sampling

Based on the results of the sampling and investigation presented in this report, there is no duty to report contamination requirement under Section 105 of the NSW CLM Act 1997. Residual contamination has reduced, and the site is considered suitable for ongoing use as a petrol station.


See iEnvi’s full range of environmental monitoring capabilities 


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