Acid Sulfate Soil ManagementiEnvi was engaged by a client to complete an acid sulfate soil management plan (ASSMP) of a residential property in Sydney, NSW. The client proposed the development of a granny flat at the rear of the existing residential property and required an ASSMP to satisfy the conditions of a development application.

A desktop review was undertaken and assessed against relevant state and national acid sulfate soil regulations. The risk of exposing actual and potential acid sulfate soils were assessed based on the planned excavation activities likely to be carried out during the development of the granny flat.

Based on the desktop review, a number of best management practices were prescribed for the site during excavation activities which included identifying, storing, assessing, treating, disposing and/or potentially reusing treated acid sulfate soil material in order to minimise the risk of acidifying water sources and leaching of contaminants.

iEnvi were able to provide this ASSMP at short notice (within 3-4 days) to assist the client in meeting the requirements of the development approval application.

iEnvi’s technical capability and high quality compliant reporting meant that both the Council’s development consent process went smoothly, and a user-friendly guide for environmental management of the site was provided to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and minimising the risk of impact.

iEnvi supplied a high quality report reviewed by an accredited Certified Environmental Practitioner Contaminated Sites Specialist (CEnvP CSS). The report also contained our signature video summary as part of the report to visually (and in plain english) explain the results of the report for our client.


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