roadway contamination recovery


roadway contamination recoveryFrom February to May 2019, iEnvi was engaged by an inner western Sydney Council in a resource recovery program to reuse road asphalt as engineering fill for the planned development of new sports fields and courts at a reserve.

In New South Wales, resource recovery orders and resource recovery exemptions allow some wastes to be beneficially and safely reused independent of the usual New South Wales laws that control applying waste to land, using waste as a fuel, or using waste in connection with a process of thermal treatment. These orders and exemptions are only appropriate given:

  • There is a genuine reuse opportunity rather than a method of waste disposal;
  • It will be beneficial and fit for the prescribed reuse purpose; and
  • There will be no harm to human health or the environment.

For the resource recovery program with the Council, iEnvi provided services to consult, supervise and ensure compliance in accordance with the Recovered Aggregate Order 2014 (the Order) requirements to attempt reusing road asphalt millings for the reserve development. This included composite sampling (five individual samples) of approximately 80 roads that were due for renewal and milling within the Council’s area, and tested against the chemical criteria prescribed in the Order, with at least 10 samples per 4,000 tonnes collected.

 resource recovery environmental reuseiEnvi thoroughly tracked and supervised asphalt material compliant with the Order which spanned 13 weeks. Approximately 19,755 tonnes of asphalt material milled from 56 roads were organised into eight batches and reused as engineering fill. All materials were also assessed against the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (NEPM ASC) for recreational/public open space settings and deemed acceptable at the sports field reserve.

The reuse recovery program was a success, saving the client approximately estimated millions of dollars in excavated road disposal fees, $600,000 in clean fill and additional costs in the environmental management of impacted soils at the Sportsfield Development.

iEnvi have a long history of finding novel, sustainable approaches to waste and utilise existing ‘hidden’ regulations that allow reuse of waste fin particular circumstances.  To discuss your waste solution contact [email protected]


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