metal recycling facility environmental planning

Site and Environmental Management Plan of a Metal Recycling Facility

site and environmental management plan

iEnvi was engaged by a metal recycling facility to complete a Site and Environmental Management Plan (SEMP), also known as an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP), to meet the required conditions of a planning permit for a site they were occupying.

A desktop review was undertaken and assessed against environmental regulations. Potentially contaminating activities onsite associated with the metal recycling processes were determined via a phone interview with the site manager and site layout plans including photography of site conditions were examined.

Based on the desktop review, a number of environmental requirements and responsibilities were determined for site staff to be undertaken in order to minimise the risk of pollution and remain compliant. Recommendations for spill kits and drain covers were made to ensure minimal risk of potential contaminants entering drains were made.

metal recycling facility environmental planningiEnvi’s technical capability and high-quality compliant reporting meant that both the planning permit process went smoothly, and a user-friendly guide for environmental management of the site was provided to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and minimising the risk of impact.

iEnvi supplied a high-quality report, reviewed by an accredited Certified Environmental Practitioner Contaminated Sites Specialist, and our signature video summary as part of the report to visually (and in plain English) explain the results of the report for our client.



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